Wednesday, 30 September 2015

9.29.15 Bavaria with a dip into Austria

It was cool this morning. Thirty three. It turned out to be a gorgeous day after the sun burned off the lake fog. We jumped in the Beamer with Joseph at the helm and took a drive into the mountains. Our drive took us into Austria a first for both of us.


We traveled to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Oberammergau, and Linderhof where the Swan King Ludwig II built one of his 3 palaces.

Joseph and I had read a murder/mystery novel about King Ludwig II awhile ago. He was an extravagant recluse and built 3 castles or palaces. The one in Linderhof was the only one completed and where he lived for a number of years. He was castigated for spending all of his fortune and trying to spend the governments coffers on his fantasy castles. The government attempted to have him ruled insane because of his indulgences, reclusiveness and homosexuality but obviously another group just thought it easier to kill him. He was found in a lake along with his doctor - the one refusing to go along with the insanity story.

The palace was small and way over the top. All I could think about was how did they keep this place clean.

Home again and dinner on the lake. I'll be unrecognizable on my return home with all the weight I've put on. If not now when.



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