Saturday, 26 September 2015

9.26.15 Saturday Amsterdam

Another beautiful day with blue skies. Fall is certainly everywhere - leaves changing colors and rustling along the stones on the street and floating down the canals, scarves around necks, chairs pulled out from out under the umbrellas to sit in the sun.

The treacherous stairs to our apartment.

The treacherous breakfast in our bellies.

Leisurely morning. Stepped out for breakfast before going to the flower market. The market is completely different then when I was here in the spring many years ago. The stalls were packed with fresh cut flowers then but of course it was spring. Today there were bulbs as far as the eye could see but a few fresh flowers.

What more could you ask for than the Madonna of the Nutella.

Returned to the apartment for a rest and then hopped on the tram to the Rijks Museum. There are available audio tours that includes 2 highlight tours that direct you to the... well highlights. It was really nice. Since I've started painting again I'm intrigued by the brush strokes.

Now back at the apartment to relax before going out to get Indonesian food for dinner.


Our place is the 2nd story above the cow museum... for real - a cow museum.


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