Wednesday, 18 November 2015

10.20.15 The World Goes By

I was sitting in our den this last weekend watching the world go by. I could hear the kids shouting and laughing on the playground on the other side of the park. I told Joseph how thankful I was that they put the playground on the other side of the park because even over there we can plainly hear the kids.

The cyclists were rolling by having their conversations. We live on a cyclist thoroughfare to the canyons. People out walking their dogs. Running.

The sensation I had was one of being stationary. Maybe moving backwards some as the rest of the world marched on to the future. I have had the future taken away from me.

As the sages have taught the future is an illusion. It has no solidity. It's this very moment that matters; yet when the future is removed from the equation it creates a noticeable void.

I'm whittling myself down both emotionally and physically as I prepare to leave.

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